As a voice talent and severe allergy sufferer I was wondering how other voiceover talent survive the allergy season? It’s so tough for me that at one time I was getting 6 shots every 3 days. I felt like a human pincushion! It did help a bit I think. Had to give up my cats Porky and Melvin though. (They went to a loving home thankfully.) The question is, how do you do your job as a voice talent and deal with your allergies, if you have them of course. When I’m at our Asheville studios Janet keeps tossing Claritin at me. I eat ‘em like Tic Tacs! Allegra’s not bad, but the Claritin seems to do the job for me if I double the dose. I thought when I drove to Florida last week I’d avoid the pollen, but nope! The trees around Orlando are peaking. I just heard my voice on a spot for Courtesy Toyota and (lol) I could hear a little of the stuffy sound.�