I just saw news yesterday of pythons being an invasive species in Florida. Here’s the story from USA today: http://tinyurl.com/msfp78
We had a small invasion of snakes here at SunSpots Productions Asheville…well in the driveway at least. As I was driving back from doing some errands away from the studio I drove up our driveway and found this elongated beastie catching some sun.

From online sources I think it’s a black rat snake. Possibly a female since I saw a baby the night before while I was walking in some grass around the same area. I had my camera in the car with me and was shooting from the window. Here’s a closeup (from far away):
Here’s one once it moved across the driveway:
I’ll have to get my camera ready for this weekend to catch some more wild beasties! Last night, right after sunset, there were 2 juvenile deer trying to get the apples from the apple tree about 20 yards from Bryan’s studio window. They were standing on their hind legs and would jump and hop and sort of fall over when they missed. The tree this year is bursting with apples so I bet we’ll have lots of woodland creatures visiting throughout the fall. So far this summer we’ve seen turkeys, deer, a black bear and snakes. Oh! PLUS, I’ve seen many honey bees on the flowers. After a good 8 years of decline they seem to have returned strong this year. That’s a very good thing. Hey, here’s something interesting…Bryan just told me that honey bees are not native to North America. He’s a flippin’ nature geenyus!
Voiceovers and nature…is there anything better?
Seen any creepy crawly, slithering, jumping, hopping, barking, mewing visitors at your place?